Flowers for…
Flowers for healing, for strength through gritted teeth, for every single beautiful soul murdered by a corrupt system of policing, for (re)learning that peace is not the opposite of challenge, for recognizing a smile only from crinkles in their eyes, for the man waiting at the park bench everyday since 2013, for the survivors, for Breonna who was dreaming, for folks who return to the dusty streets to march for justice, for the families who remain separated, for the mess, for the deep belly breaths, for the emails and voicemails sent to government officials, for a revolution that offers new life, for the last (may they be first).
Flowers for solidarity, for learning, for more than we can hold, for the newborns (may they grow from our mistakes), for kneeling in protest, for shouting in protest, for dancing in protest, for whatever you must do in protest, for hard choices, for communities that hold you like a hug, for neighbors who have become friends, for Breonna (still), for raised fists, for imagining a new world that is much, much better than this.
Flowers for growth, for making change happen, for two steps forward and one step back (continue to step anyway), for energy and faith to heal ourselves, for rejecting a scarcity mindset and adopting a mindset of abundance, for Breonna (always), for defying authority, for living the questions until we hold the answers, for shared meals, for weaving tight-knit and communal resistance, for practicing collective care.
Our world is in need right now. Of so many things. Of healing, of liberation, of radical change. I stand with the bold leaders of this revolution, now and until change is real.
Tell me, what are your flowers for?